Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Double Rainbow

My Mom used to tell me that a rainbow was God's way of telling us his promise to never flood the earth again like he did with Noah.
But what Mom forgot to tell me is that a double rainbow is a double reflection of sunlight inside the raindrops, and appear at an angle of 50°–53°. As a result of the second reflection, the colours of a secondary rainbow are inverted compared to the primary bow, with blue on the outside and red on the inside.


Ana Thomas said...

Nice picture,Timmy!

erikv said...

I would love to see another Timmyopolis update.

Pete Vanoni said...

Where is Timmy? Come out and blog og og og....

erikv said...

Maybe he has writers block. Let's suggest some topics. I would like to see, among other things, more photos of the cafeteria, and update on the complimentary fruit policy, a list of available free beverages, tips on chicken farming and information on the current state of Star Trek in the work place.