Monday, July 13, 2009

How could I have let you all down?

To all of the masses who come to get words of wisdom and life skill direction from my blog.... I'm sorry. To those of you who visit to seek enlightenment and life application... My apologies.

Now, lets talk about this for a moment. I have been pestered at home, at work, at poker, on camping trips about me not updating the blog. However, during the peak times, I would perhaps get 50 hits. I dunno. It seems like I have been pestered by more than that. Maybe I'm double and triple counting the same complainers.

Anyway, I am back and will keep this updated more often. To start things off. I wanted to share this mysterious apple I had in Santa Clara. Yup, you guessed it. It is a map of China OR Iran. Take your pick.

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